Dream Kids House Tanabata Festival
● Dream Kids House Tanabata Festival
Hello! This is Satsuki Abe from Dream Kids House.
We held our Tanabata event. This is one of the many yearly events the kids enjoy. We learned about the origin of Tanabata from the native teachers, and became stars ourselves.
Along with these events, English will also be natually be absorbed by the children.
The teachers expressively read and describe the picture story in English.
Everyone is listening intently.
We have many seasonal events at our school.
We spend our daily lives at school with the native teachers.
The Kinder class students are receiving their stars here.
We write a wish on our stars and decorate them.
We hope the children’s wishes will reach the starry skies that spread across the infinite universe.
The Kinder class made their own “Vega” and “Altair” stars.
Every day is an irreplaceable, precious event.
We spend every day in English.
There are many programs that draw out as much as possible of the infinite possibilities in children.
We have rhythmic and art classes at our school, too.
Real art and music can be felt directly by the instruction of specialists.
This is a fulfilling time.
We can spend time developing our imagination and concentration not only with English, but also other various programs.
This is a kindergarten full of education.
Children naturally acquire English and imagination.
江東区のインターナショナル保育園ドリームキッズハウス キンダークラス 夏の合宿を開催しました。
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