Dream Kids House
10+ Different Educational Programs for Children
話す、読める、書けるDaily English Usage Speaking, Reading, Writing
At Dream Kids House, we strive to build an all-English environment. Our Native English staff are always using English to communicate with students throughout the day. We also have daily English lessons to learn how to speak, read and write.
本場仕込みのリトミック教育Using our bodies to express music, rhythm and beats through movement.
Our President Sachiko Inoue studied eurhythmic at The Dalcroze School of Music & Movement in New York and is licensed to teach eurhythmic internationally. She personally created the curriculum that is taught at Dream Kids House. She believes learning eurhythmic from a young age will help shape our children’s character and personality, making an impact on their growth.
モンテッソーリ教育Expanding our natural interests through activities.
Our Montessori program focuses on student independence, placing an emphasis on hands-on learning and developing real-world skills. We will foster their fine-motor skills, focus and concentration through various activities like literacy, numeracy, and sorting to help motivate themselves to try new things.
本格的なダンス教育Feeling the music and moving our bodies to the beat
Our students learn different genres and style of dance including, musical dance, jazz dance, tap dance, ballet, and hip hop. They will practice memorizing choreography while enjoying the energetic environment of the stage.
想像力を養うアート教育Using our imagination to create different works of art
Children ages 3-6 are developing their 5-senses. Through our art program we encourage our students to explore their imagination and bring out their creative desire to create their own masterpieces. There is no right or wrong way to make art as long as we enjoy the process.
Optional Program
他にも教育もりだくさん!Piano, Violin, Ballet, Karate and Many More!!
Dream Kids House offers various optional programs to expand our students learning. All of the music-based classes are taught by professionals from Dream Music, while Karate and other programs are taught by highly skilled professionals that are acclaimed in their field.
Dream Kids House
Offering Parents a Piece of Mind During School Hours
We Offer Childcare Services from 7:30~19:30「朝、早く預けたい…。」「お迎えが遅くなりそう…。」そんな時でも大丈夫です!ドリームキッズハウスなら朝・夜両方の延長保育があるから、生活スタイルに合わせてご利用いただけます。※朝7:30~8:00、夜18:00より19:30の間は延長料金がかかります。
Catering to your lifestyle, Dream Kids House offers extended childcare services in the morning from 7:30~8:00, and at night from 18:00~19:30 for an additional fee.
Lunches are Hand-made on Site給食は毎日新鮮な食材を仕入れ・調理しています。その日のメニューはその日に仕入れ、新鮮で美味しいものをいただきます。新潟の農家から、美味しいお米を送っていただきます。栄養士がたてた献立で、調理師が、温かいものは温かく、冷たいものは冷たくおいしくいただけるように配慮しています。
We offer hot meals daily made by our kitchen staff on site. Our menu are created by our school nutritionists to help our students eat a well-balanced meal and allow our children to grow become healthy individuals. We eat a delicious lunch and afternoon snack during our school day.
Communicating with Parents about Your Child’s Wellbeing普段の生活やイベントでの様子を、担任の先生からお伝えする保護者会や、お子様について詳しくお話しする個人面談を、年に数回行っています。園と家庭の交友を深めて、お子様の成長を見守ってまいります。
Our staff at Dream Kids House are very interested in your child’s growth and development. We will communicate with you daily about your child’s wellbeing, activities, and interests while they are under our care. We also have individual parent-teacher meetings a few times a year, so we can talk in more depth about your child’s growth and development.